Creature and the Woods
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Creature and the Woods

San Diego

Creature and the Woods are a harmonic brotherhood, dredging the grooves of Rock & Roll roots and American mythology. After forming in 2014 and undergoing an abrupt lineup change in 2015, Creature and the Woods quickly earned critical applause and regional attention with the purity of their heart-pounding live performances and the intensity of lead singer, Roger Molina’s storytelling. Balancing punk ethos with the melodic sensibility of a folk singing group, the quintet pulses with a distant heart beat, grounded in an all-to-present perspective. Bashing mallet and drum, Creature and the Woods howl from inside the sage journey, inside the core of Americana, inexplicably carving new songs out of the bedrock of ancestral land.

With the release of their debut album, Rise (2017), Creature and the Woods set the new vanguard of Southern California roots music. The eight song release moves from hard times ballad to a rock & roll throw down with all the reverie of a hallucinatory choir....

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